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General English
Our work plan for teaching foreign languages – blended learning – includes a plan of mixed methodologies which covers the necessary contents and skills to reach the desired performance objectives:
+Task-based learning
+Application of case study methodology (Case Method)
+Communicative approach
+Optional E-learning support
Effective English Advisers works with 6 general levels of linguistic competence, based on international standards. In turn, within these six levels, sublevels may appear. (See).
In addition, EEA offers a diversity of training sessions that adapt to the specific possibilities and needs of each company and their employees.
+Regular courses
+Intensive courses and workshops
+Immersion courses
+Programs for executives
+Task-based learning
+Application of case study methodology (Case Method)
+Communicative approach
+Optional E-learning support
Effective English Advisers works with 6 general levels of linguistic competence, based on international standards. In turn, within these six levels, sublevels may appear. (See).
In addition, EEA offers a diversity of training sessions that adapt to the specific possibilities and needs of each company and their employees.
+Regular courses
+Intensive courses and workshops
+Immersion courses
+Programs for executives
* CFRE Common European Frame of Reference
* ALTE Association of Language Testers in Europe
* ALTE Association of Language Testers in Europe
As in General English Courses, Business English Courses are offered as blended learning, and supported by a broad range of resources and materials available to the student in order to meet the desired learning objectives.
The work plan includes mixed methodologies to cover the necessary contents and skills:
+Task-based learning
+Specific vocabulary needs: Business, Financial, Legal, Technical.
+Engineering, Hydrocarbons, Mining, Tourism, Food or Medicine
+Case Study Methodology (Case Method)
+Communicative approach
+Optional E-learning support
By applying Case Study Methodology, Effective English Advisers offers students the possibility of addressing the daily communication needs arising in the world of business:
+Answering phone calls
+Dealing with unexpected situations
+Language for meetings
+Successful Presentations
+Market Research
+Corporate culture
+Business trips
Our main focus is on developing communication skills. We do not only stress on accuracy and fluency (as in the Standard English course), but we also make emphasis on efficiency.
Given the transactional nature of Business English, we help students develop communication skills to meet the objectives efficiently by making use of business situations that may be encountered in daily life, broughto the classroom by the teacher. Effective English Advisers works with 6 general levels of linguistic competences based on international standards. In turn, within these six levels, sublevels may appear.
(See ).
The work plan includes mixed methodologies to cover the necessary contents and skills:
+Task-based learning
+Specific vocabulary needs: Business, Financial, Legal, Technical.
+Engineering, Hydrocarbons, Mining, Tourism, Food or Medicine
+Case Study Methodology (Case Method)
+Communicative approach
+Optional E-learning support
By applying Case Study Methodology, Effective English Advisers offers students the possibility of addressing the daily communication needs arising in the world of business:
+Answering phone calls
+Dealing with unexpected situations
+Language for meetings
+Successful Presentations
+Market Research
+Corporate culture
+Business trips
Our main focus is on developing communication skills. We do not only stress on accuracy and fluency (as in the Standard English course), but we also make emphasis on efficiency.
Given the transactional nature of Business English, we help students develop communication skills to meet the objectives efficiently by making use of business situations that may be encountered in daily life, broughto the classroom by the teacher. Effective English Advisers works with 6 general levels of linguistic competences based on international standards. In turn, within these six levels, sublevels may appear.
(See ).
* CFRE Common European Frame of Reference
* ALTE Association of Language Testers in Europe
* ALTE Association of Language Testers in Europe
This intensive course is specific for professionals who need to communicate with clients and professionals in other countries and who handle legal documents in English. It applies Case Methods and provides value in the solution of legal cases and practice of specific vocabulary, structures, and skills in English for lawyers who have reached an intermediate-high or advanced level of English. It includes practice of the four macro skills: listening, reading, writing, and speaking through e-learning support: virtual classrooms with digital materials + videoconferencing. This intensive course also represents a valuable aid for those professionals who, having studied general English for several years, wish to update their knowledge or adapt it to their new needs.
Who is this course for?
This course is aimed at lawyers or advanced students of law who have reached an upper-intermediate or advanced level of English (FCE, CAE, TOEFL score IBT 100 or CBT220, divided according to level).
The study plan includes vocabulary and structure tools necessary in the Business Law Area: to participate in legal meetings, negotiations, and discussions, specific contract vocabulary, idiomatic expressions, prefixes and suffixes, structures, paraphrasing. Case debate, mediation, commercial and corporate fraud, intellectual property, contracts. Contrastive analysis. Formal language vs. Informal language. This course will prepare you to understand and accurately produce legal texts, such as e-mails, and memoranda. For specifications on the examination, visit www.translegal.com ; www.legalenglishtest.org
This intensive course is specific for professionals who need to communicate with clients and professionals in other countries and who handle legal documents in English. It applies Case Methods and provides value in the solution of legal cases and practice of specific vocabulary, structures, and skills in English for lawyers who have reached an intermediate-high or advanced level of English. It includes practice of the four macro skills: listening, reading, writing, and speaking through e-learning support: virtual classrooms with digital materials + videoconferencing. This intensive course also represents a valuable aid for those professionals who, having studied general English for several years, wish to update their knowledge or adapt it to their new needs.
Who is this course for?
This course is aimed at lawyers or advanced students of law who have reached an upper-intermediate or advanced level of English (FCE, CAE, TOEFL score IBT 100 or CBT220, divided according to level).
The study plan includes vocabulary and structure tools necessary in the Business Law Area: to participate in legal meetings, negotiations, and discussions, specific contract vocabulary, idiomatic expressions, prefixes and suffixes, structures, paraphrasing. Case debate, mediation, commercial and corporate fraud, intellectual property, contracts. Contrastive analysis. Formal language vs. Informal language. This course will prepare you to understand and accurately produce legal texts, such as e-mails, and memoranda. For specifications on the examination, visit www.translegal.com ; www.legalenglishtest.org
Frequently, people who need to be specially trained for a job interview in English according to the requirements of HR consultants or global and multinational foreign companies come to Effective English Advisers These people claim to have studied English for several years and to be able to speak and write. However, they feel insecure about their level and about the interview situation.
There are several factors to consider in order to provide each candidate with the necessary tools to successfully face a job interview in a foreign language. To have a job interview in another language, you must prepare and anticipate possible difficulties:
+Know the steps of the selection process.
+Manage the stress situation of the interview.
+Be aware of your strengths and weaknesses.
+Be ready to showcase your competencies for the position.
+Master your body language.
+Be aware of the extent of your language level.
+Know how to demonstrate their language skills and level of performance in the language.
A candidate for a position needs specific training to handle the interview situation itself. It is necessary to know all the instances of the process, in which the evaluation of the management of the foreign language is only one. Furthermore, all job interviews are stressful, and in the job interview in a foreign language two factors of tension come together: what to say, and how to say it.
In order to have a successful job interview, you must first know yourself, be aware of the scope of your virtues and skills, know your own expectations and how to establish interpersonal relationships, and relate to others. This is based on one's own knowledge and it is a matter of knowing how to take advantage of the power of the word to communicate one's own skills and abilities while keeping control of body language.
Another key factor is to anticipate possible questions and interview situations, making use of your skills in the foreign language, since knowing how to speak a language is not the same as performing successfully in the interview using it. Regarding the foreign language level required, this may vary according to the position, as well as the skills required for performance. The management of all the above factors comes together at this point: how to say it in the foreign language. Although the job interview in a foreign language is often required, in most cases in our country, the job interview is done in the vernacular, and the foreign language is evaluated by means of an evaluation tool for internal use, better known as “placement” or level exam.
At Effective English Advisers we facilitate the preparation for the job interview in English, providing the trainees with a battery of tailor made materials. For more information: info@effective-english.com
There are several factors to consider in order to provide each candidate with the necessary tools to successfully face a job interview in a foreign language. To have a job interview in another language, you must prepare and anticipate possible difficulties:
+Know the steps of the selection process.
+Manage the stress situation of the interview.
+Be aware of your strengths and weaknesses.
+Be ready to showcase your competencies for the position.
+Master your body language.
+Be aware of the extent of your language level.
+Know how to demonstrate their language skills and level of performance in the language.
A candidate for a position needs specific training to handle the interview situation itself. It is necessary to know all the instances of the process, in which the evaluation of the management of the foreign language is only one. Furthermore, all job interviews are stressful, and in the job interview in a foreign language two factors of tension come together: what to say, and how to say it.
In order to have a successful job interview, you must first know yourself, be aware of the scope of your virtues and skills, know your own expectations and how to establish interpersonal relationships, and relate to others. This is based on one's own knowledge and it is a matter of knowing how to take advantage of the power of the word to communicate one's own skills and abilities while keeping control of body language.
Another key factor is to anticipate possible questions and interview situations, making use of your skills in the foreign language, since knowing how to speak a language is not the same as performing successfully in the interview using it. Regarding the foreign language level required, this may vary according to the position, as well as the skills required for performance. The management of all the above factors comes together at this point: how to say it in the foreign language. Although the job interview in a foreign language is often required, in most cases in our country, the job interview is done in the vernacular, and the foreign language is evaluated by means of an evaluation tool for internal use, better known as “placement” or level exam.
At Effective English Advisers we facilitate the preparation for the job interview in English, providing the trainees with a battery of tailor made materials. For more information: info@effective-english.com
The Graduate Management Admission Test, best known as GMAT, is the English language examination chosen by Business Schools in order to assess a candidate’s ability to do a postgraduate business course. Unlike other standard examinations, GMAT preparation requires a lot of reading and composition writing practice focused on the correct use of English language. It also requires the candidate’s ability to participate in debates with professionals in order to develop analytical thinking.
Who is this course for?
People who wish to pursue Postgraduate Studies in Business Schools.
Technique, practice, and language content in order to successfully face the examination:
1. To develop analytical writing skills, analyze an argument, and an issue.
2. To solve problems and data provision.
3. To exercise in reading comprehension, critical reasoning, and sentence correction.
The Graduate Management Admission Test, best known as GMAT, is the English language examination chosen by Business Schools in order to assess a candidate’s ability to do a postgraduate business course. Unlike other standard examinations, GMAT preparation requires a lot of reading and composition writing practice focused on the correct use of English language. It also requires the candidate’s ability to participate in debates with professionals in order to develop analytical thinking.
Who is this course for?
People who wish to pursue Postgraduate Studies in Business Schools.
Technique, practice, and language content in order to successfully face the examination:
1. To develop analytical writing skills, analyze an argument, and an issue.
2. To solve problems and data provision.
3. To exercise in reading comprehension, critical reasoning, and sentence correction.
SAT: Scholastic Aptitude Test
A diferencia del TOEFL (que evalúa conocimientos de inglés), el examen SAT está orientado a medir el nivel de razonamiento, el pensamiento crítico y la capacidad de análisis.
¿Qué es el sat?
El SAT es un examen de acceso requerido por las universidades de los Estados Unidos para evaluar a los estudiantes para el ingreso al nivel académico universitario. Su finalidad es evaluar la capacidad analítica y de la resolución de problemas.
¿En qué consiste?
Se compone de dos secciones: matemáticas y comprensión lectora o lectura crítica/redacción, con preguntas tipo “opción múltiple”. Cada sección tiene una puntuación que va de 200 a 800 puntos y, en consecuencia, el máximo puntaje delas dos secciones en conjunto es de 1.600 puntos.
Comprensión lectora o Lectura crítica y Redacción:
Redacción: 65 minutos
Comprensión lectora: 35 minutos
Se centra en el análisis de literatura, estudios sociales y textos científicos, con énfasis en el conocimiento del idioma inglés así como la revisión y edición de redacción de textos.
80 minutos
Se centra en conocimientos de álgebra y matemática avanzada y en el análisis de datos, estadísticas y modelos matemáticos.
Durante los 80 minutos del examen solo se permite el uso de la calculadora durante 55 minutos.
¿Cuál es su importancia?
El examen SAT es exigido por la gran mayoría de las universidades como requisito de ingreso. Para evaluar a un candidato se analizan los resultados del examen, en conjunto con el expediente académico y con los otros aspectos de la solicitud.
¿Quién debe realizar el examen SAT?
La gran mayoría de universidades requieren a los solicitantes haber realizado el SAT y la entrega de las notas junto con la solicitud de admisión. Los resultados pueden ser especialmente importantes para los alumnos internacionales ya que constituye una forma de comparar a los candidatos, sea cual sea su país de origen, tanto a nivel nacional como internacionales.
A diferencia del TOEFL (que evalúa conocimientos de inglés), el examen SAT está orientado a medir el nivel de razonamiento, el pensamiento crítico y la capacidad de análisis.
¿Qué es el sat?
El SAT es un examen de acceso requerido por las universidades de los Estados Unidos para evaluar a los estudiantes para el ingreso al nivel académico universitario. Su finalidad es evaluar la capacidad analítica y de la resolución de problemas.
¿En qué consiste?
Se compone de dos secciones: matemáticas y comprensión lectora o lectura crítica/redacción, con preguntas tipo “opción múltiple”. Cada sección tiene una puntuación que va de 200 a 800 puntos y, en consecuencia, el máximo puntaje delas dos secciones en conjunto es de 1.600 puntos.
Comprensión lectora o Lectura crítica y Redacción:
Redacción: 65 minutos
Comprensión lectora: 35 minutos
Se centra en el análisis de literatura, estudios sociales y textos científicos, con énfasis en el conocimiento del idioma inglés así como la revisión y edición de redacción de textos.
80 minutos
Se centra en conocimientos de álgebra y matemática avanzada y en el análisis de datos, estadísticas y modelos matemáticos.
Durante los 80 minutos del examen solo se permite el uso de la calculadora durante 55 minutos.
¿Cuál es su importancia?
El examen SAT es exigido por la gran mayoría de las universidades como requisito de ingreso. Para evaluar a un candidato se analizan los resultados del examen, en conjunto con el expediente académico y con los otros aspectos de la solicitud.
¿Quién debe realizar el examen SAT?
La gran mayoría de universidades requieren a los solicitantes haber realizado el SAT y la entrega de las notas junto con la solicitud de admisión. Los resultados pueden ser especialmente importantes para los alumnos internacionales ya que constituye una forma de comparar a los candidatos, sea cual sea su país de origen, tanto a nivel nacional como internacionales.